=== BP Profile Search === Contributors: dontdream Tags: buddypress, directory, members, search, users License: GPLv2 or later Requires at least: 6.1 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 5.8 Member search and member directories for BuddyPress and the BuddyBoss Platform. == Description == BP Profile Search is a member search and member directories plugin for BuddyPress. It provides: Each search form has a target directory. When you run a search, you are redirected to the form's target directory, filtered according to your search. = Build a search form = With the form builder you can: The form template works just like any other BuddyPress template. To override a form template, copy it to the buddypress/members directory in your theme's root, then edit the new copy according to your needs. = Display a search form = After you build your search form, you can display it: = Run a search = On the front-end, when you hit the Search button in a form, BP Profile Search shows the form's target directory filtered according to your search. Both the All Members tab and the My Friends tab are filtered. Additionally, the plugin: The active filters section and the member details section are displayed by two dedicated templates, that can be overridden just like any other BuddyPress template. = Build a member directory = With the [bps_directory] shortcode you can: You can enter the shortcode in an empty page to build a new member directory, or you can enter it in the BuddyPress Members page to customize the BuddyPress Members directory. = Additional documentation = In the screenshots below, the City field is provided by the free companion plugin BP Distance Search. == Installation == Standard installation, see [Installing Plugins](https://wordpress.org/support/article/managing-plugins/#installing-plugins-1). == Screenshots == 1. The Profile Search Forms admin page 2. The Edit Form admin page 3. Configuration of a Profile Search widget 4. The Members directory page with a Profile Search widget 5. The Members directory page with search results == Changelog == = 5.8 = * Removed a security issue - thanks to *vgo0* via Wordfence = 5.7.5 = * Added: *match single* search mode for user groups = 5.7.4 = * Improved compatibility with other BuddyPress plugins = 5.7.3 = * Fixed: logic to call *flush_rewrite_rules* = 5.7.2 = * Fixed: old bug that prevented *Loco Translate* from working properly = 5.7.1 = * Fixed: removed redundant calls to *flush_rewrite_rules* = 5.7 = * Added: support for BuddyPress 12.0.0+ without the BP Classic plugin = 5.6 = * Security: removed a reflected XSS vulnerability, please update! * Fixed: incorrect links to user profiles when using the BP Classic plugin * Updated: jQuery UI styles to version 1.13.2 = 5.5 = * Added notice: [bps_directory] currently does not work without the BP Classic plugin = 5.4.8 = * Fixed: user permalinks in custom directory when standard directory is a subpage = 5.4.7 = * Fixed: platform detection (BuddyPress or the BuddyBoss Platform) = 5.4.6 = * Added: site information under *Tools -> Site Health* = 5.4.5 = * Fixed: limit on number of displayed groups = 5.4.4 = * Fixed: bug on search fields marked *required* = 5.4.3 = * Fixed: widget preview in WordPress 5.8 = 5.4.2 = * Added: ability to change the position of the *active filters* section = 5.4.1 = * Added: new *match single* search mode, for *multiselectbox* and *checkbox* profile fields = 5.4 = * Breaking change: custom form templates must enqueue the scripts they need * Breaking change: new filters template * See [BP Profile Search 5.4](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search-5-4/) for details = 5.3.5 = * Fixed: member-type specific fields are no longer incorrectly hidden = 5.3.4 = * Added: support for the BuddyBoss *Gender* profile field type = 5.3.3 = * Fixed: removed incorrect call to get_the_content() * Breaking change: custom form templates must enqueue the scripts they need * See [BP Profile Search 5.3.3](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search-5-3-3/) for details = 5.3.2 = * Fixed: fields duplication in search form = 5.3.1 = * Fixed: do not search if search form has errors * Fixed: autocomplete in location search field = 5.3 = * Removed support for old form templates * Added required fields, default field values, and custom field validation * Fixed pagination of search results in member directories not using AJAX * Fixed conflict with the group members template, introduced in 5.2 * See [BP Profile Search 5.3](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search-5-3/) for details = 5.2.4 = * Last version to support old form templates, see [New form template structure](https://dontdream.it/new-form-template-structure/) * Fixed bug with quotes in *users* and *usermeta* searches = 5.2.3 = * Fixed bug preventing adding new search fields with Firefox * Minor changes to the form builder UI = 5.2.2 = * Improved the form builder UI * Added workaround to prevent conflict with *WC Vendors Marketplace* = 5.2.1 = * Fixed conflict with the BP Legacy group members template, introduced in 5.2 = 5.2 = * Added search by group, to find members belonging to the selected group(s) = 5.1 = * Added the bps-details template, to customize the member details section * Removed the bps-field-value template, replaced by bps-details = 5.0.5 = * Fixed bug with *range* and *age_range* in old templates, introduced in 5.0.2 = 5.0.4 = * Made the AND and OR keywords translatable in searches * Fixed bug with the *bps_match_all* hook * Made the multiple select size adjustable in search forms * Minor adjustment to the bps-form-default template * See [BP Profile Search 5.0.4](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search-5-0-4/) for details = 5.0.3 = * Fixed compatibility with *GEO my WP* * Fixed bug in the [bps_directory] shortcode with values containing ampersand (&) = 5.0.2 = * Added display of profile fields in the [bps_directory] shortcode * Added display of selected profile fields in search results * Added option to sort search results by selected profile fields * Fixed a potential privacy problem involving unauthorized searches * Improved compatibility with *GEO my WP* * See [BP Profile Search 5.0.2](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search-5-0-2/) for details = 5.0.1 = * Fixed critical bug in the [bps_directory] shortcode - incorrect links to user profiles = 5.0 = * Fixed the [bps_directory] shortcode to work with BP Legacy and BP Nouveau * Added search modes *is* and *range* for date fields * Improved compatibility with *BP xProfile Location* * Added notice for users of outdated form templates = 4.9.8 = * Added search by distance with [BP Distance Search](https://wordpress.org/plugins/bp-distance-search/) = 4.9.7 = * Fixed workaround to prevent a theme conflict = 4.9.6 = * Minor adjustment to the bps-form-default template * Workaround to prevent a plugin conflict = 4.9.5 = * Restored the bps-form-nouveau template, following user requests = 4.9.4 = * Fixed CSS bug with bps-form-default * Fixed bug with the Member Type search field = 4.9.3 = * Added support for AND and OR expressions in search fields * Retired the bps-form-nouveau template, replaced by bps-form-default = 4.9.2 = * Fixed bug introduced in 4.9.1 affecting older form templates * Added admin error notice when BuddyPress is not active = 4.9.1 = * Fixed PHP Warnings in form templates * Fixed bug in WPML support = 4.9 = * Introduced a new default form template, to gradually replace older templates * See [Form Templates](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search/form-templates/) for details = 4.8.6 = * Added search by user taxonomies (including BP member types) * Added column in the *Search Forms* page showing the current template and its location = 4.8.5 = * Added choice of jQuery UI theme for the bps-form-nouveau template = 4.8.4 = * Added ability to search by data in the *usermeta* table * See [BP Profile Search 4.8.4](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search-4-8-4/) for details = 4.8.3 = * Added a new form template compatible with BP Nouveau * Revised the plugin's contextual help * The shortcode [bps_directory] still doesn't work with BP Nouveau = 4.8.2 = * Fixed issue when calling a template inside a template = 4.8.1 = * Added ability to search by data in the *users* table * Added option to enable or disable *persistent search* * Removed the old interface for custom field types * See [BP Profile Search 4.8.1](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search-4-8-1/) for details = 4.8 = * Introduced *hidden filters* for custom directories, see [Custom Directories](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search/custom-directories/) * Developers: please switch to the [new interface for custom field types](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search/custom-profile-field-types/) = 4.7.9 = * Introduced new search mode *is one of* = 4.7.8 = * Improved display of the active filters * For developers: [new interface for custom field types](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search/custom-profile-field-types/) = 4.7.7 = * No longer clears the search when leaving the members directory * Removed PHP Warning during first activation * Added HTML class to forms in form templates * Added configuration file for WPML = 4.7.6 = * Fixed bug with custom field types introduced in 4.7.5 = 4.7.5 = * Moved the search mode selection to the field level = 4.7.4 = * Fixed bugs in WPML support = 4.7.3 = * Added filter to change the cookie name = 4.7.2 = * Fixed bug with custom field types introduced in 4.7.1 = 4.7.1 = * Modified the *Form Fields* settings UI to enable further development = 4.7 = * Added ability to sort a Members directory using a profile field * See [BP Profile Search 4.7](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search-4-7/) for details = 4.6.3 = * Added support for WPGlobus * Updated templates for the *Twenty Seventeen* theme * Added the plugin icon - by Alexei Ryazancev = 4.6.2 = * Added ability to search for member types * Added the filters *bps_clear_search* and *bps_match_all* = 4.6.1 = * Added support for member-type directories * Updated templates to allow member-type directories as results pages = 4.6 = * Removed insecure code - thanks to Robert Rowley at pagely.com = 4.5.3 = * Fixed hardcoded strings in a form template = 4.5.2 = * Fixed bug in *Age Range* display introduced in version 4.5 * Fixed bug in label display introduced in version 4.5.1 = 4.5.1 = * Fixed order of search conditions in directory pages * Improved support for WPML = 4.5 = * Added generic search field to search every profile field = 4.4.4 = * Added basic support for WPML = 4.4.3 = * Fixed the *Form Action (Results Directory)* drop down list = 4.4.2 = * Fixed bug with member-type specific fields = 4.4.1 = * Fixed bug in wildcard searching = 4.4 10/04/2015 = * Updated to use WP language packs = 4.3.1 09/03/2015 = * Fixed rendering of hidden fields in form templates = 4.3 08/25/2015 = * Updated templates to better support custom field types * Updated [documentation](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search/custom-profile-field-types/) for custom field types authors = 4.2.4 08/18/2015 = * Updated for WordPress 4.3 = 4.2.3 08/04/2015 = * Restricted capability to create forms to admin only * Added the filters *bps_form_order* and *bps_form_caps* * Changed the name of a few functions = 4.2.2 06/06/2015 = * Updated templates to work in member-type directories = 4.2.1 05/15/2015 = * Fixed bug when searching in a *multiselectbox* profile field type = 4.2 04/18/2015 = * Added ability to use form templates = 4.1.1 03/21/2015 = * Fixed bug with field labels containing quotes = 4.1 03/04/2015 = * Added ability to create custom Members directory pages * Added ability to use them as custom search results pages = 4.0.3 09/07/2014 = * Fixed PHP fatal error when BP component *Extended Profiles* was not active * Replaced deprecated like_escape() = 4.0.2 06/16/2014 = * Fixed PHP warning when using the *SAME* search mode = 4.0.1 06/08/2014 = * Fixed bug with field options not respecting sort order * Fixed bug with search strings containing ampersand (&) = 4.0 06/02/2014 = * Added support for multiple forms * Added ability to export/import forms * Added selection of the form *method* attribute * Updated Italian and Russian translations = 3.6.6 05/15/2014 = * Added French translation = 3.6.5 05/09/2014 = * Fixed bug when searching in a *number* profile field type = 3.6.4 04/30/2014 = * Added support for custom profile field types, see [documentation](https://dontdream.it/bp-profile-search/custom-profile-field-types/) = 3.6.3 04/21/2014 = * Reduced the number of database queries = 3.6.2 04/14/2014 = * Updated for the *number* profile field type (BP 2.0) = 3.6.1 04/09/2014 = * Fixed PHP warnings after upgrade = 3.6 04/03/2014 = * Redesigned settings page, added Help section * Added customization of field label and description * Added *Value Range Search* for multiple numeric fields * Added *Age Range Search* for multiple date fields * Added ability to rearrange the search fields * Updated Italian translation * Updated Russian translation = 3.5.6 03/02/2014 = * Replaced deprecated $wpdb->escape() with esc_sql() * Added *Clear* link to reset the search filters = 3.5.5 02/18/2014 = * Fixed the CSS for widget forms and shortcode generated forms = 3.5.4 02/16/2014 = * Added Serbo-Croatian translation = 3.5.3 01/07/2014 = * Added Spanish, Russian and Italian translations = 3.5.2 09/14/2013 = * Fixed a pagination bug introduced in 3.5.1 = 3.5.1 09/10/2013 = * Fixed a few conflicts with other plugins and themes = 3.5 09/04/2013 = * Added the *Add to Directory* option * Fixed a couple of bugs with multisite installations * Ready for localization * Requires BuddyPress 1.8 or higher = 3.4.1 07/03/2013 = * Added *selectbox* profile fields as candidates for the *Value Range Search* = 3.4 06/30/2013 = * Added the *Value Range Search* option - thanks to Florian Shiessl = 3.3 05/12/2013 = * Added pagination for search results * Added searching in the *My Friends* tab of the Members directory * Removed the *Filtered Members List* option in the *Advanced Options* tab * Requires BuddyPress 1.7 or higher = 3.2 11/27/2012 = * Updated for BuddyPress 1.6 * Requires BuddyPress 1.6 or higher = 3.1 06/10/2012 = * Fixed the search when field options contain trailing spaces * Fixed the search when field type is changed after creation = 3.0 04/19/2012 = * Added the *Profile Search* widget * Added the [bp_profile_search_form] shortcode = 2.8 03/12/2012 = * Fixed the *Age Range Search* * Fixed the search form for required fields * Removed field descriptions from the search form * Requires BuddyPress 1.5 or higher = 2.7 09/23/2011 = * Updated for BuddyPress 1.5 multisite * Requires BuddyPress 1.2.8 or higher = 2.6 09/22/2011 = * Updated for BuddyPress 1.5 = 2.5 03/14/2011 = * Updated for BuddyPress 1.2.8 multisite installations = 2.4 02/14/2011 = * Added the *Filtered Members List* option in the *Advanced Options* tab = 2.3 01/24/2011 = * Added the choice between *Partial match* and *Exact match* for text searches = 2.2 01/03/2011 = * Added the *Age Range Search* option = 2.1 12/13/2010 = * Added the *Toggle Form* option to show/hide the search form * Fixed a bug where no results were found in some installations = 2.0 11/14/2010 = * Added support for *multiselectbox* and *checkbox* profile fields * Added support for % and _ wildcard characters in text searches = 1.0 06/29/2010 = * First version released to the WordPress Plugin Directory == Upgrade Notice == = 5.8 = Security release, please update immediately!